Monday, February 25, 2013

Tea Tree


Tea Tree Essential Oil is an anti-bacterial, anti-septic, insecticide, balsamic, anti-microbial, fungicide, sudorific and an excellent stimulant. Other than that, it helps in relieving muscular pain and sprains. It also treats coughs, cold, bronchitis and other respiration problems.

·         Instructions for Use

Proportionally Diluted Tea Tree Essential Oil is safe to inhale, diffuse, and apply few drops to the affected skin area.

·         History and Additional Information

Tea Tree oil was discovered thousands of years ago by the Australians due to its healing qualities; it can fight all kinds of infectious and bacterial diseases. Hence it was also called an All-Cure medicine.
Tea Tree Oil is extracted by Steam distillation of Tea Tree leaves and twigs. Tea Tree Oil is not the same as Tea Oil. Tea Oil is extracted from the seed of common Tea plant and is used in Cooking.

·        Details

Latin/Botanical Name: Melaleuca Alternifolia
Other Names:  Melaleuca Oil, Australian Tea Tree Oil
Family: Myrtaceae
Part of Plant Used: Leaves of the Plant
Place of Origin: Australia

·        Characteristics

Odor/Fragrance:  Medicinal, Fresh and Anti-Septic
Color: Pale Yellow to Transparent
Aroma Strength: Medium
Consistency: Thin
Note: Middle
Blending Suggestions: Tea Tree Essential Oil blends fine with Myrrh, Clove, Lemon, Thyme, Cinnamon, Rosewood, Geranium, Clary Sage, Rosemary and Nutmeg essential oils.

·         Safety Precautions for this Essential Oil

Tea Tree Essential Oil may cause sensitization on certain skin types. Do not swallow or put it in the eyes. Also, do not exceed the recommended dosage.

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