Tuesday, February 26, 2013



Tarragon Essential Oil helps in digestion, improves blood circulation, and cures dyspepsia and eating disorders. It is also anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic and is a great stimulant.

·         Instructions for Use

Proportionally Diluted Tarragon Essential Oil is safe to inhale, diffuse, apply few drops to abdomen or temples, use as a deodorant and can also be taken as a supplement.

·         History and Additional Information

Tarragon is a perennial herb that was originally grown in South East Asia. Due to Its herbaceous aroma, it’s used in cooking and in making Tarragon Vinegar. It also makes a very flavorsome salad dressing/seasoning. Its botanical name means ‘Little Dragon’, presumably named because of its roots twisted like a Dragon.
Tarragon Oil is extracted by Steam distillation of Tarragon leaves and flowering tops and is used for therapeutic purpose and various other health benefits. Formerly, its root was used to treat Toothache.

·        Details

Latin/Botanical Name:  Artemisia Dracunculus
Other Names: Dragon’s-wort, Estragon, Wild Tarragon, French Tarragon, Mugwort, Estragon, Russian Tarragon, Little Dragon
Family: Asteraceae
Part of Plant Used: Leaves and herbs of the Plant
Place of Origin: Siberia, Central Asia

·        Characteristics

Odor/Fragrance:  Anise-like, Sweet and Spicy
Color: Fresh Green leaves, Light Yellow Oil.
Aroma Strength: Strong
Consistency: Thin
Note: Top
Blending Suggestions: Tarragon Essential Oil blends fine with Lavender, Rosewood, Carrot seed and Lime, Silver fir and Scots Pine Essential Oils.

·         Safety Precautions for this Essential Oil

Tarragon Oil is non-toxic, non-sensitizing and non-irritant. However, do not exceed the recommended dosage.

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