Sunday, February 17, 2013


Cubeb cures asthma and oral health problems, prevents nausea and helps in digestion. Cubeb berries aid in treating bronchitis. Cubeb Oil is used to treat head problems, speed up wound healing, regulate proper heart functioning and work as an anti-inflammatory.

·         Instructions for Use
Cubeb can be used in the form of Oil, Paste or Powder respectively; as nasal drops, perfume, spices, and medicine and skin ointment.

·         History and Additional Information
Historically, Cubeb was used as an alternative spice to Black Pepper. It was commonly exported from its native Island of Indonesia to the European Market and the US. Cubeb was also knows as flower-shaped Grain Rinu, which had heart shaped leaves.
Cubeb is a creeper and has a bunch of tiny flowers growing from fleshy spikes. Its fruit is round in shape and looks like black pepper. Cubeb Oil is used widely in Taiwan and Japan because of its Therapeutic properties

·        Details
Latin/Botanical Name:  Piper Cubeba
Other Names: Cubebe, Java Pepper, Kubebe, Tailed Cubebs, Tjabé djawa. Tailed Pepper
Family: Piperaceae
Part of Plant Used: Dried Fruit
Place of Origin: Island of Indonesia, Malaysia and Mysore, India.

·        Characteristics
Odor/Fragrance:  Pungent and Peppery
Color: Bluish green or red-brown when dried
Aroma Strength: Warm
Consistency: Mobile
Note: Top
Blending Suggestions: Cubeb Essential Oil blends fine with Rosemary Essential oil, Bergamot, Jasmine, Ginger, Ylang-ylang oils and Geranium.

·         Safety Precautions for this Essential Oil
Do not exceed the normal dosage. Cubeb Essential Oil is a skin irritant.

How to lose weight in short time?

 Aims of a person may be of the two kinds one is to put on the strong muscles and the other one is the losing the weight. The two important factors are present that have a physically powerful impact on the look of a man. If you are having good muscles but you have lot of weight then it is not fine similarly the less weight and lack of muscles is also a big trouble for many people. Therefore we have a very good suggestion for the people who are searching for a plan that maintains some balance in the weight of the man and his muscles. The program is called as the somanabolic muscle maximize. It has a large number of good features that you will certainly like it after having a little knowledge about it. Now you can fulfill your dreams and can maintain your figure like it was never been. You can impress the other people by your looks and your body shape.

The most excellent feature of the somanabolic muscle maximize that I discover in it is the selection of our own foodstuff. It means that either you want to lose the weight or you want to build the muscles the choice of selection of the food is left at your own choice. No other program can provide this freedom. Once you select the food then this program will tell you after the calculation that how much the selected food is needed to be eaten and should be eaten at what time. The program will regularly tell you about the fact that how much you are near to the desired results. This program is equally good in losing the weight and in maximizing the muscles. If you want to achieve good aims then do test it.

How to get the good muscles?

If you wish to have good muscles then you must have heard by a number of people that muscles cam easily be built by just having a good and healthy diet along with the exercise. For the sake of exercise and building up their muscles a large number of people join the gym. When you join the gym your trainer will guide you to some extent and after measuring your weight he will suggest you some type of food. But the problem over here is that he does not tell you that when to eat and how much to eat? The most suggested diet from the trainers is the suggestions of eating lots and lots of chicken.
The somanabolic muscle maximize has solved all the problems for the people who were struggling to gain the good results yet they were still very much away from the required results. The somanabolic muscle maximize has helped a large number of people in achieving their aim. The best thing that we find in this muscle maximize is that it leaves the decision of the choice of food on ourselves. We decide our own food and then this program will calculate by itself that how much you need to eat and when you need to it. It will also calculate that how much you are consuming. No other program can help you this extent.
The somanabolic muscle maximize comes with the nine weeks plan in which the proper guidance for building the body in the good directions is given. There also comes a 7 days program from this muscle maximize in which it is explained that how to figure out your body in the very good shape before any function or event. Hence we can say that it is a good addition in our lives.