Excess use of drug severely affects one’s brain and performance. After being addicted to drug or alcohol, the brain starts functioning in an unusual way. A drug addict does not comprehend how his daily life and routine is getting messed up.
Drug addiction is caused by the addictive nature of the drug taken. Our brains are set up in such a way that if something feels good, the person would likely to crave for doing it again. Once taking drugs, if it gives pleasure, one will try it again. Thus taking the drug on a daily basis just to feel pleasurable, changes a normal person to a drug addict.
You should understand that you are addicted to drug when you take it on a regular basis even if it is ruining your life. Negative effects on your health, money, work/school or your relationships are caused by these drugs. With time, your body grows high tolerance levels then the situation is worse. More tolerance means you use a higher quantity of the drug to get inebriated.
To end your drug addiction, you must develop strong will power. You should realize you have full control of your actions. Use your control to resist the temptation. Coach yourself when near drugs or alcohol.
To completely destroy this deteriorating addiction, you should be determined. Once you have made up your mind to end it, plan it all out and follow the plan. Do not sway from the plan under any circumstances. Make no excuses. Attend a drug rehab centre and get help from professionals. Drug addiction recovery is very difficult and you cannot do it alone. Get support from your friends and family.