Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Alcoholism – A Complete Overview

There are many symptoms and signs associated with the problem of drinking. Alcoholism is believed to be a progressive ailment, it means the effects and symptoms pertaining to alcohol drinking tend to increase and become more visible if a person does not discontinue the drinking habit. In the early phase of drinking alcohol some preliminary signs and symptoms are shown however, with the passage of it if a person keep continue the drinking habit, the habit becomes the alcohol abuse, and it may even turn into alcohol dependence (the most severe stage of alcoholism) if a person does not discontinue frequent alcohol drinking.
Let us have a quick look over some prominent symptoms and signs of alcoholism during different stages. Some commonly observed symptoms and signs during the early stage of alcoholism include recurrent intoxication, violent and angry behavior and other similar issues. On the other hand if the alcoholism turns into a more severe stage that is Alcohol abuse, some more complex and disastrous consequences might result such as drunk driving, work avoidance, responsibility avoidance, avoidance to social gatherings, mental problems and issues like that.  
If a person does not change the drinking habits, the Alcoholism might turn into the most severe stage that is known as Alcohol Dependence. In this situation a person feels, probably he/she cannot live even a single minute without alcohol. Some common signs and symptoms pertaining to alcohol dependence include, vomiting, depression, changed behaviors and priorities and issues like that.

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