Lung cancer statistics which smoker should keep in mind
Lung Cancer statistics of which smokers must be aware of
Smokers must consider some shocking lung cancer statistics
Smokers must know dreadful lung cancer statistics
Smokers should have understanding of surprising lung cancer statistics
Lung cancer is a disease which is most commonly caused by drugs and smoke and there is a relevant and horrifying lung cancer statistics which the smokers must know. Millions of people suffer from this illness and many die because of it. Lung cancer is one of those cancers which are acquired and are not inherited.
According to a dreadful lung cancer statistics out of 5 people 4 suffering from the cancer are men. This figure has increased however and now it has leveled to 2 out of five for men. The major reason behind the fact that most men suffer from lung cancer is obvious. The lifestyle followed plays a greater role in increasing this number.
Big populations of smokers are men. This is also contributed by culture as smoking is always seen to give you a macho look and it is depicted in same way in commercials. There is also another reason that makes men more susceptible to disease which is that men are more open to smoking that contain hazards like carcinogens.
But you cannot only blame tobacco for the disease. Many steroids are observed to have started the lung cancers. A study on drug addicts concludes that there is 50 % more chance of getting lung cancer in people who take heroine especially when it is inhaled. The multiplication of cancerous cells is believed to start from carcinogens present is heroine.
Marijuana is also one of commonly used drug. This herb marijuana has a lot of benefits related to medication but it can be a great cause of lung cancer in people who smoke this herb. Because of this the medicinal value of the herb is suppressed. This is the main logic behind ban on this herb in most of the countries of the world except Netherlands where it is allowed to smoke marijuana.
Food and drug agency while giving lung cancer statistics said that single cigarette have about thousand toxic chemicals and of them about 70% are carcinogenic. It is not a hidden fact that cigarette is main cause of lung cancer almost all the cases of lung cancer are caused by cigarette smoking. However there are also different reasons which are not in any way related to cigarette smoking. Many patients suffer from cancer because they inherit this disease, others suffer because of growth abnormalities or they acquire cancer from another cancer that is present in other part of body.
Many babies who are in womb are also exposed to smoking and later in life they suffer from cancer. The main reason behind this is that continuous exposure to carcinogens like nicotine can cause changes in DNA encoding of unborn changes. Smoking is not the only main reason because many environmental and hereditary factors also play their part. But it should be noted that chance of survival of smoker’s babies are always very low.
These shocking facts and lung cancer statistics should help smokers realize the importance of leaving smoking. If one shows commitment and willingness he can get rid of nicotine and will never suffer from serious disease of lung cancer.