Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Symptoms of lung cancer in women that can be spotted Earlier.....!!!

Symptoms of lung cancer in women which can easily be spotted in earlier stages
Symptoms of lung cancer in women that can be dotted earlier
Some common symptoms of Lung cancer in women can be spotted earlier
Symptoms of Lung cancer in women can be spotted earlier through its indicators
Symptoms of lung cancer in women can be spotted earlier

In women it is important to spot the symptoms of lung cancer in its earlier stage. From 1960`s to present cancer in women has increased to a dramatic stage. It is also known that the women die more than man through lung cancer.  This disease is one of the biggest reasons of death for both man and women. So it is important to know about the signs and symptoms of lung cancer so that some sort of treatment can be done before it’s too late.
There are many indications of lung cancer in women. Mostly these symptoms arise in earlier phase and can be neglected by the individual. So it is important for you to know what these signs are. So if you find any of these signs you should consult the doctor.

 Following are some of the symptoms of lung cancer in women:
1. Chest Pain
One of the customary symptoms of lung cancer in women is chest pain. With chest pain you can also feel shoulder and back pain. Women do not pay much attention to chest pain.  Frequent chest pain can also be taken as a heart disease, so mostly the patients will consult a cardiologist. So the patient must consult the doctor so it is treated properly.
2. Presence of Blood in Sputum
Another important symptom includes the presence of blood in sputum.  This can also be mistaken for tuberculosis which is also very evident.
3. Chronic Coughing
4. Shortness of Breath
5. Weight Loss
6. Presence of Swelling
7. Abnormal Bleeding
Mostly the people cannot establish about the reasons in the early stages. So most of them neglect these symptoms of lung cancer and when they come to know about this then it will be too late for the treatment.
If you want to avoid this you must take the medical treatment in the early stages. Cancer can be cured if it is at an early stage. You should also have to undergo some tests for the proper treatment and to establish the nature of disease. But if you came to know about the disease at the later stages then you cannot do anything about it.
Although chemotherapy is known as one of the most reliable treatment that can treat later stages of cancer, but there are lots of restrictions to chemotherapy. The biggest thing is that it has a negative side effect to your body. So chemotherapy is liable to hurt the patient rather the treatment of the disease.
So if symptoms of lung cancer in women can be detected then proper treatment can be done. If you know about the symptoms in the early stages then you can stay safe from the pain of chemotherapy and can avail certain other treatments as well. So it is an important thing to discover the symptoms lung cancer for the patient. 

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