Thursday, May 19, 2011

Catherine Zeta-Jones has Bipolar Disorder

What’s new in Hollywood? There are many hot news like Jennifer as the most beautiful women, Robert Pttinson and Kristen Stewart promising ring, Reeves and Theron dating but the most interesting is about Catherine Zeta bipolar disorder. Recently it was heard that the actress has diagnosed with bipolar disorder and soon it has been confirmed. A representative reported that Catherine Zeta recently has undergone treatment for the disease at Connecticut mental health facility.
What is a bipolar disorder? You can say bipolar disorder as a mental disease which occurs due to manic-depression. According to research every person in this world undergoes this process either in early age or later but some may suffer continuously after short time intervals.
Catherine is now about forty two years of age when she got this depression. What actually happens while a person suffers with bipolar disorder? A person having bipolar feels himself/herself ruling the world/on the top or he/she fells guilty, angry or irritable.
For the treatment of bipolar disorder the patient is usually hospitalized for special care. Medications along with psychotherapy are the two major treatments used for this disease. Why Catherine has suffered from bipolar this year? It may have connections with the last year stressful life as her husband was diagnosed with throat cancer.

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