Thursday, May 19, 2011

Email Marketing: Say Thank You

Today is the world of computers and technology. No one is ignorant to the world of internet that’s why the companies have diverted their attention towards email marketing. What email marketing is? Email marketing means selling through email by making people aware of your product.
Email has also been advanced from simple text and html to rich media. The length of content can also differ but one thing which all email marketing messages contain and should contain is thanks.
Why you need to thank in your email message stream and how you should say thanks while sending a non-promotional compliments? If you are a marketing expert then you must be aware with the value of thanks. Saying thanks to your customer can harmonize your relationships. You can attract your online as well as real life customers by sending thanks message. If any of your online client has purchased goods or services you should send him/her a thanks message along with a coupon to make another purchase and you will be offered with special discount. You will be amazed to see the response.
Likewise if of your customer has purchased goods from your store then you should send him a letter of thanks with an offer or a gift and he will be pleased to visit you again. That’s what email marketing with thanks message can bring for you, larger turnover and more customers. Good luck!

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