Monday, February 18, 2013


There are a lot of benefits associated with the use of cypriol oil. This oil has been used to treat diarrhea and digestive problems. It can be supportive and caring in scanty periods, mucus and scabies.  There are many important benefits of this oil like killing of intestinal worms and without any doubt it is quite an effective in dealing with intestinal worms. This oil is useful to cure the skin issue and general acid illness problems.
Instructions to use:
It is clear that this oil is perfect to cure many diseases but other than that cypriol essential oil can be used in perfumes as well. It is not expensive in nature so it can be utilized as a fixative. It is widely believed that women during the pregnancy must try to avoid this oil when it comes to bleeding of blood.
History and information:
Historically proven that cypriol essential oil benefits and uses are numerous as it can be used to treat; diarrhea, intestinal worms, anorexia, vomiting and dysentery. This oil has tremendous tendency to be used to cure many aliments for example skin diseases, painful menstruation, general debility and fever.
This oil has numerous characteristics for example, it has carminative characteristics like a diuretic, a medicine and it can support uterine contractions. Other characteristic like: woody, low cost, oriental type and is also available in powder form.
Safety precautions:
There are numerous benefits of this oil but there are some points that a person must keep in mind. Make a sure woman who faces the problem if bleeding during pregnancy period must avoid this oil.


  • Benefits

    Cypress can be used as an astringent, antiseptic to treat bacterial infections, tonic for health, deodorant if applied topically, mosquito or insect repellant, relaxant and effective on headache.

  • Instructions for Use

    It can be used as oil for application over skin and in bath water as well as could be inhaled directly.

  • History and Additional Information

    Cypress tree comes from an ancient plant family that has been widely used by ancient civilizations. Its first use as medicine was started by Chinese people who were using it for cleansing purpose. The Greeks are believed to use cypress as first aid to treat bleeding wounds or internal bleeding. Egyptians are also noted for using the tree in making coffins and other medicinal use.

    It is a tall and evergreen tree that resembles the shape of inverted cone. The flowers of the tree are small and its brown nuts are mostly noted for different uses. The cypress essential oil is extracted by steam distillation of twigs and other tree parts.

  • Details

    Latin/Botanical Name: Cupressus sempervirens
    Other Names: African cypress, false cypress
    Family: Cupressaceae 
    Part of Plant Used: twigs and needles
    Place of Origin: eastern Mediterranean, Italy

  • Characteristics

    Odor/Frangrance: Woody, herbaceous
    Color: Pale yellow
    Aroma Strength: Mild
    Consistency: Thin
    Note: Middle
    Blending Suggestions: mint oil, grapefruit, citrus oils and floral oils.

  • Safety Precautions for this Essential Oil:

    Cypress oil is non toxic, non irritant and does not cause allergies but precaution should be taken while using for children.

Curry leaf

  • Benefits

Curry leaf is used to treat nausea, dysentery or diarrhea, fever or flu conditions, problems with vision or improving vision and infertility. It also acts as astringent, treats high blood sugar and high blood pressure.

  • Instructions for use

Mostly used in cooking to give a distinctive flavor but also used as essential oil, powder and paste. Paste of leaves, bark and root is widely used in treating conditions.

  • History and additional information

Curry leaf is native to India and is widely grown in back gardens to spice the food. It is a sub tropical tree that is mainly used for the leaves. The tree also produces black berries which are edible but the seeds of curry are considered toxic. The trees could grow up to 20 feet where the leaves are pinnate in structure.
Curry leaf oil is extracted from fresh or dry leaves using steam distillation

  • Details

          Latin/Botanical Name: Murraya koenigi
          Other Names: kari patta, Hojas de Curry, Chalcas koenigii
          Family: Rutaceae
          Part of plant used: leaves of tree whole or ground
          Place of origin: India and in Himalayas  

  • Characteristics

Odor/Fragrance: spice odor sweet as well as spicy
Color: pale yellow
Aroma Strength: Warm
Consistency: Liquid
Note: Base
Blending suggestions: clove, caraway, rosemary and cinnamon

  • Safety  precaution of this essential oil:

If taken in lower doses no particular reaction of side effects are known of this oil. The consumption or use of this oil is not advisable for pregnant ladies.

Cumin oil/Black seed

  • Benefits

It helps in aiding digestion if taken in lower doses, works as diuretic to increase the quantity of urination, treats diarrhea and cholera caused by bacteria.

  • Instructions for use

Black seeds are used as flavoring in different cuisines and it also contains medicinal effects to cure different conditions.

  • History and Additional information

Cumin is a small plant with flowers that is used from ancient time. The seed is procured from the fruit of the plant which is then sun dried and used as whole or in oil form. It was first cultivated in the parts of Iran and Mediterranean region. It was also used in the cuisines and food of Roman and Greek people. From millennium cumin is used for flavoring curries in India. 
Cumin oil is procured form the dried seeds through steam distillation.

  • Details

Latin/Botanical Name: Cuminum cyminum
Other names: Nigella Sativa, geerah
Family: Apiaceae
Part of plant used: seeds
Place of origin: Syrian site and Iran

  • Characteristics

Odor/Fragrance: it has warm, earthy and distinctive aroma
Color: Black
Aroma strength: Strong
Consistency: Liquid to thick
Note: Base
Blending suggestions: cumin oil blends well with essential oils of Angelica, Caraway and Coriander.

  • Safety precaution for this Essential oil

If the oil is used for topical application, skin should not be exposed to sunlight to avoid toxicity. The seed naturally emits a strong aroma therefore higher dosage of oil could lead to feeling of nausea and pain in head.


Muscle building is not as easy as some people think it to be. It requires a lot of hard work accompanied with a right direction to move in. Lack of right information about body building is the most common reason that people quit it on the way. Leaving the process of body building in the way is quite hazardous itself. People want to build their muscles over night and for this purpose they do everything right and wrong that hurts their health and muscles. Food and exact diet plan is very important to build your body in right way.
Somanabolic muscle maximizer is a system of right body building created by Kyle Leon who is a certified fitness guru and trainer. Kyle Leon is helping people who are interested in body building by providing them with important information and guidance on in this regard. The plan works with a basic route that is designed according your age, height, gender and body fitness. The SMM system works to provide your body with all the essential nutrients that it needs at different times of the day. Your workout routine collaboration along with your eating plan is necessary for packing your muscles in a lean way without adding any fats on it.
The SMM system is designed around your anabolic systems that help you build your muscles rapidly without any side effects. It only works in the days you are working out but when you are away from your exercise and have your days off, this plan also provides you with a routine that helps you in recovering your muscles and removes any fatigue effects. This plan will also repair all of your broken muscles tissues and will work in a very smooth and effective way. You can visit the web sites of Kyle Leon where you will also find a video file of the trainer himself that will further help you to know the goods of this system.