Monday, February 18, 2013

Curry leaf

  • Benefits

Curry leaf is used to treat nausea, dysentery or diarrhea, fever or flu conditions, problems with vision or improving vision and infertility. It also acts as astringent, treats high blood sugar and high blood pressure.

  • Instructions for use

Mostly used in cooking to give a distinctive flavor but also used as essential oil, powder and paste. Paste of leaves, bark and root is widely used in treating conditions.

  • History and additional information

Curry leaf is native to India and is widely grown in back gardens to spice the food. It is a sub tropical tree that is mainly used for the leaves. The tree also produces black berries which are edible but the seeds of curry are considered toxic. The trees could grow up to 20 feet where the leaves are pinnate in structure.
Curry leaf oil is extracted from fresh or dry leaves using steam distillation

  • Details

          Latin/Botanical Name: Murraya koenigi
          Other Names: kari patta, Hojas de Curry, Chalcas koenigii
          Family: Rutaceae
          Part of plant used: leaves of tree whole or ground
          Place of origin: India and in Himalayas  

  • Characteristics

Odor/Fragrance: spice odor sweet as well as spicy
Color: pale yellow
Aroma Strength: Warm
Consistency: Liquid
Note: Base
Blending suggestions: clove, caraway, rosemary and cinnamon

  • Safety  precaution of this essential oil:

If taken in lower doses no particular reaction of side effects are known of this oil. The consumption or use of this oil is not advisable for pregnant ladies.

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