Monday, February 18, 2013

Cumin oil/Black seed

  • Benefits

It helps in aiding digestion if taken in lower doses, works as diuretic to increase the quantity of urination, treats diarrhea and cholera caused by bacteria.

  • Instructions for use

Black seeds are used as flavoring in different cuisines and it also contains medicinal effects to cure different conditions.

  • History and Additional information

Cumin is a small plant with flowers that is used from ancient time. The seed is procured from the fruit of the plant which is then sun dried and used as whole or in oil form. It was first cultivated in the parts of Iran and Mediterranean region. It was also used in the cuisines and food of Roman and Greek people. From millennium cumin is used for flavoring curries in India. 
Cumin oil is procured form the dried seeds through steam distillation.

  • Details

Latin/Botanical Name: Cuminum cyminum
Other names: Nigella Sativa, geerah
Family: Apiaceae
Part of plant used: seeds
Place of origin: Syrian site and Iran

  • Characteristics

Odor/Fragrance: it has warm, earthy and distinctive aroma
Color: Black
Aroma strength: Strong
Consistency: Liquid to thick
Note: Base
Blending suggestions: cumin oil blends well with essential oils of Angelica, Caraway and Coriander.

  • Safety precaution for this Essential oil

If the oil is used for topical application, skin should not be exposed to sunlight to avoid toxicity. The seed naturally emits a strong aroma therefore higher dosage of oil could lead to feeling of nausea and pain in head.

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