Sunday, February 17, 2013


Cubeb cures asthma and oral health problems, prevents nausea and helps in digestion. Cubeb berries aid in treating bronchitis. Cubeb Oil is used to treat head problems, speed up wound healing, regulate proper heart functioning and work as an anti-inflammatory.

·         Instructions for Use
Cubeb can be used in the form of Oil, Paste or Powder respectively; as nasal drops, perfume, spices, and medicine and skin ointment.

·         History and Additional Information
Historically, Cubeb was used as an alternative spice to Black Pepper. It was commonly exported from its native Island of Indonesia to the European Market and the US. Cubeb was also knows as flower-shaped Grain Rinu, which had heart shaped leaves.
Cubeb is a creeper and has a bunch of tiny flowers growing from fleshy spikes. Its fruit is round in shape and looks like black pepper. Cubeb Oil is used widely in Taiwan and Japan because of its Therapeutic properties

·        Details
Latin/Botanical Name:  Piper Cubeba
Other Names: Cubebe, Java Pepper, Kubebe, Tailed Cubebs, Tjabé djawa. Tailed Pepper
Family: Piperaceae
Part of Plant Used: Dried Fruit
Place of Origin: Island of Indonesia, Malaysia and Mysore, India.

·        Characteristics
Odor/Fragrance:  Pungent and Peppery
Color: Bluish green or red-brown when dried
Aroma Strength: Warm
Consistency: Mobile
Note: Top
Blending Suggestions: Cubeb Essential Oil blends fine with Rosemary Essential oil, Bergamot, Jasmine, Ginger, Ylang-ylang oils and Geranium.

·         Safety Precautions for this Essential Oil
Do not exceed the normal dosage. Cubeb Essential Oil is a skin irritant.

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