Tuesday, February 26, 2013



Tangerine Essential Oil helps in digestion and in healing wounds, relaxes the muscles, used in massage, regulates blood circulation and purifies blood and reduces stress and anxiety

·     Instructions for Use

Tangerine Oil can be used as an antiseptic, perfume, fragrant domestic cleaner, tonic, laxative stimulant, diuretic, soap, sedative and a relaxant.

·     History and Additional Information

Originally, Tangerine was grown in China and Southeast Asia only. Later it spread all around the world and is majorly planted in the US and Italy.
Tangerine is also called Mandarin because they have the same botanical name. It’s harvesting time is from August to December. Tangerine has a sweeter scent and a more orange color than Mandarin. Tangerine Oil is extracted by cold compression of the fruit’s rind. It has remarkable calming and aroma therapeutic properties.

·     Details

Latin/Botanical Name:  Citrus Reticulata
Other Names: Mandarine, Clementine, Mandarin Orange, Mandarin, Mandarino
Family: Rutaceae
Part of Plant Used: Peel of the Fruit
Place of Origin: China and Southeast Asia

·     Characteristics

Odor/Fragrance:  Radiant, Sweet, Similar to orange
Color: Orange, Yellowish in the form of oil.
Aroma Strength: Mild
Consistency: Light
Note: Center
Blending Suggestions: Tangerine Essential Oil blends fine with Jasmine, Nutmeg, Lemon, Geranium, Rose, Grape fruit, Cinnamon, Black pepper, Clove, Basil, Lavender, Juniper and Ylang-ylang Essential Oils.

·     Safety Precautions for this Essential Oil

Tangerine Essential Oil should not be exposed to light as it may cause photo-toxicity depending on the skin type. Generally it is non-toxicant, non-sensitizing and non-irritant.

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