Monday, February 25, 2013



Thyme Essential Oil has effective anti-bacterial properties and helps in fighting oral health problems if used in mouthwash/toothpastes. It helps in relieving indigestion and other gastrointestinal problems, purifies blood, cures anemia, regulates nervous system, and treats respiratory problems such as colds, asthma, shortness of breath and the like. It also wards off unpleasant odor.

·         Instructions for Use

Proportionally Diluted Thyme Oil is safe to inhale or diffuse. Thyme dried leaves can be used as medicines and as spice.

·         History and Additional Information

‘Thymos’, the Greek origin of the word Thyme means ‘Perfume’. Historically, Thyme was widely used as herbal medicine to treat dry coughs and bronchitis. Thyme oil has been used in toothpastes to relieve oral infections like Gingivitis and to cure fungal infections.
Thyme Essential Oil is extracted from steam distillation of Leaves. This oil has great medicinal properties.

·        Details

Latin/Botanical Name: Thymus vulgaris
Other Names: Tomillo, Garden Thyme, Red Thyme, Common Thyme
Family: Labiatae
Part of Plant Used: Leaves of the Plant
Place of Origin: Hungary, Southern Europe

·        Characteristics

Odor/Fragrance:  Fresh and herbaceous
Color:  Orange, Yellow or Reddish Brown
Aroma Strength: Medium
Consistency: Thin
Note: Middle
Blending Suggestions: Thyme Essential Oil blends fine with Lemon, Rosemary, Grapefruit, Pine, Lavender and Bergamot essential oils.

·         Safety Precautions for this Essential Oil

Thyme Essential Oil is an irritant and sensitizing and may lead to allergy. It also tends to be Hypertensive; that is, it increases blood pressure. Do not exceed the limited dosage.

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