Thursday, May 19, 2011

Lee "Apollo" Adama

“Lee “Apollo” Adama” what a strange name, is it the name of a real person or a character? It is a character, a imaginary character in the Battlestar Galactica. Battlestar Galactia is an old military fiction television drama serial which was created by Ronald D. Moore and David Eick. Apollo was the main character of this drama which was portrayed by Jamie Bamber. The real name of this character is Leland Joseph but it has been nicked as “Lee Adama” or “Apollo”.
Apollo’s father was William Adama and his mother was Carolanne Adama. He was having one little brother Zak Adama. History shows that Apollo and his father were having strained relations which came to an end after the death of his younger brother.
His father wished that both of his sons join colonial fleet to become viper pilots. Zak tried to fulfill his father’s wish but unfortunately got an accident and lost his life which raised a conflict among Adam and his father that could not end.
The twelve colonies were attacked Cylons when Lee Adama was acting as a captain in his colonial fleet and after the death major Jackson Spencer, Adam became the Commander of Air Group and joined Galactica crew. He led the crew brilliantly and succeeded on many missions which made him the hero.
Battlestar was made to show Lee Adama’s leading qualities, his life and relations. His success and his revival against strong enemy.

How to date a geek guy?

Do you like or love a geek guy? Oh sorry you may not be clear about geek. Geek is a slang term usually used for computer experts. Are you looking for such a handsome person whom you can love and make life partner? If yes then you may be on the right decision, why? It is common that many of the girls run after good looking sports chaps but a few one think about such people who love their computer. If you are the one then he will definitely share that love with you. You can find such people around you sitting before their Xbox or Star Trek.
So what after finding such a guy? If you have found your dreamy geek guy then be ready to make the first budge as most of them are naturally aloof and shy. So if you are waiting for him then you are wrong and do not expect him to approach you. It’s your turn and you will have to approach him.
So at last you have approached him, congrats for that. Now you may find weird in some cases but in the end it would always make a sense. You don’t have to be confused with his ideas and ways of solving problems because he is a scientist and he has his own ways. You can hang out with him and his friends by entering into his world of technology. Just get some know how with his second love means Dungeons and Dragons, World if Warcraft or Magic and you will be the part of his circle in an instant. Good luck! Have a nice time with your geek boyfriend and enjoy the life in a different way.

Keanu Reeves and Charlize Theron Dating

Is it going to be another takeoff by Charlize Theron or she is serious? It is a long debate to decide but the recent news is the couple’s dating. Reeves and Charlize were dating when they were snapped. Both enjoyed a long dinner and were spotted while hugging and kissing outside the restaurant. It was too late for them when they realized that they have been photographed but they still decided not to face camera and got their own ways.  
Charlize was in discussion due to her breakup with Stuart Townsend in recent past. He was his long time boyfriend but their relation could not find a good end.
Keanu Reeves is a Canadian actor while Charlize is South African national. Both of them worked together in 1997 for the first time on “The Devil’s Advocate” set and met again professionally in 2001 for their mutual project “Sweet November”.
At present they are not working on a movie set but it’s there personal meeting which may convert into a strong relation in near future. Theron is thirty four years of age and Reeves is about forty five which means that they should not live a lonely life anymore. That’s why they may have decided to start a new relation other than profession and make it stronger to have a happy end. Good luck Theron and Charlize!

Catherine Zeta-Jones has Bipolar Disorder

What’s new in Hollywood? There are many hot news like Jennifer as the most beautiful women, Robert Pttinson and Kristen Stewart promising ring, Reeves and Theron dating but the most interesting is about Catherine Zeta bipolar disorder. Recently it was heard that the actress has diagnosed with bipolar disorder and soon it has been confirmed. A representative reported that Catherine Zeta recently has undergone treatment for the disease at Connecticut mental health facility.
What is a bipolar disorder? You can say bipolar disorder as a mental disease which occurs due to manic-depression. According to research every person in this world undergoes this process either in early age or later but some may suffer continuously after short time intervals.
Catherine is now about forty two years of age when she got this depression. What actually happens while a person suffers with bipolar disorder? A person having bipolar feels himself/herself ruling the world/on the top or he/she fells guilty, angry or irritable.
For the treatment of bipolar disorder the patient is usually hospitalized for special care. Medications along with psychotherapy are the two major treatments used for this disease. Why Catherine has suffered from bipolar this year? It may have connections with the last year stressful life as her husband was diagnosed with throat cancer.

Did Robert Pattinson give Kristen Stewart a Promise Ring?

You may have heard many breakup rumors about Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart couple but now what an amazing end. The OK! Magazine reports that Pattinson has given a promise ring to Stewart. Is it true? Yes it is and it has been reported that Kristen Stewart is ready to wear the ring although she is popular as a tomboy because of her styles and clothing choices. How this all started? Robert and Kristen met at the set of “Breaking Dawn” and since then there were rumors about their affair. A few days back, the “Breaking Dawn” shooting came to an end and people were expecting that Pattinson Stewart affair may also get an end scene there but this story got another opening.
Robert has got this diamond ring for Kristen for $17000. It is a rose-cut diamond ring which has been purchased from a specialized vendor. What a promise ring means? Promise ring is a part of traditional ritual. A boy offers this ring to her girlfriend to show his feelings and desire for her. This ring is then followed by an engagement and a wedding ring. Will Pattinson and Stewart get marry? It cannot be said for sure but we can only hope for this happy ending.

Jennifer Lopez Named Most Beautiful Woman by People Magazine

The world of music, fashion, film and drama is called as the world of beauty, glamour and style. Many of the beauty competitions happen daily but the most recent was conducted by Peoples Magazine. Who has been rewarded with the beauty crown in this competition? Yes she is the New York born city-born popular actress and singer Jennifer Lopez who has been said the prettiest lady in the world. She has admitted that it is impossible to live without glamour as an American idol judge and she loves doing it. But also added that she likes to be simple and without makeup in her home with her husband and two twins.
Who else was competing in with Jennifer Lopez in this competition? The list includes big names like Zac Efron, Jennifer Hudson and Jessica Simpson. These all have been awarded but it is felt that some of the great names have been missed by People magazine. The names which should not have been missed include Darren Criss, Nicki Minaj, Nick Jonas, Kelly Rowland, Rihanna, Hayley Williams, Katry Perry and Betty White. There can be many others who may have not been named in the list but these were the people who really deserved to compete. Well the criteria of People Magazine may be having some restrictions or problems but whatsoever Jennifer Lopez has been gifted with the beauty crown by People magazine. Congrats Jennifer.  

Speak Up! How to Be Assertive at Work

What means of being assertive? Assertive means self-confident, self-assured, firm and forward looking. You must have observed that people having assertiveness at workplace usually get success, appraisals and promotions. But it is not necessary to be assertive by nature or by birth. That’s why everyone cannot become a star worker but you are the one who can get benefits of assertiveness, how? You only need to be equipped with latest happenings around you and participate in discussions, talk to your subordinates and coworkers. Share your thoughts and think positive. Be sure what you talk, you should be able to do.
To be assertive at work you need to participate in broad meetings and for this you should be confident that you have good ideas. One common habit people follow is to press their voice even they can present good solutions and idea but they have a sense of sacredness. You have to cope up with this fear and speak up. This will be the first step towards assertiveness. The second thing is to become a vigorous listener. Firstly listen then speak and respond to a question. The third thing is to take an active part in each activity around you at work place, show confidence in every facet. If you are not assertive by nature then these things can help you to be assertive at workplace. Go and do it. Good luck! 

Email Marketing: Say Thank You

Today is the world of computers and technology. No one is ignorant to the world of internet that’s why the companies have diverted their attention towards email marketing. What email marketing is? Email marketing means selling through email by making people aware of your product.
Email has also been advanced from simple text and html to rich media. The length of content can also differ but one thing which all email marketing messages contain and should contain is thanks.
Why you need to thank in your email message stream and how you should say thanks while sending a non-promotional compliments? If you are a marketing expert then you must be aware with the value of thanks. Saying thanks to your customer can harmonize your relationships. You can attract your online as well as real life customers by sending thanks message. If any of your online client has purchased goods or services you should send him/her a thanks message along with a coupon to make another purchase and you will be offered with special discount. You will be amazed to see the response.
Likewise if of your customer has purchased goods from your store then you should send him a letter of thanks with an offer or a gift and he will be pleased to visit you again. That’s what email marketing with thanks message can bring for you, larger turnover and more customers. Good luck!

Verizon Wireless, "Lemonade Stand" Ad review

The best way of marketing a product or service is video advertisement and that’s what Verizon Wireless has done to promote Lemonade Stand. This ad has been created by Jessica Coccaro as a producer. In this ad a young girl has been featured as a young entrepreneur. It’s great to see a younger girl acting like an adult.
The ad has been beautifully structured as a dad leaves the smart phone which has been used by her little daughter who creates a big corporation. The most interesting part of this ad is when a mature guy tries to see the lass and his other mate executive comments that if you have an appointment because she is hectic in organization of her lemonade empire. Now everyone who was or wasn’t a Verizon fan is talking about Suzzie. Suzzie is the little girls name in this ad that has inspired everyone through her acting. Although it is a tremendous idea by a marketing expert but the girl has made it remarkable by performing the role which may have been difficult for an adult to perform like this.
Many of the prospective customers are forwarding towards Verizon after seeing this ad either in love for Verizon product or to honor Suzzie. 

Four Simple Ways to Convert More Leads to Sales

The best way to expand your business is to get more and more customers. It is an easy thing to develop a new business but it is difficult to keep it busy. Every thing in this world needs lifeblood to live and for a business the lifeblood is considered as sales. If your business has good turnover it means that your business is healthily growing but if you are not getting good sales then it is time to think and change strategies to remove sufferings.
How you can convert more leads to sales? Yes it is good if you are getting much traffic on your website but if these potential customers are not making transactions then it all is of no use. You have to observe your shortcomings and make some good changes to get good turnover from your online business. There are four ways which can help you to convert more leads to sales. These include tailoring your copy, capturing visitor’s information, follow up and the power of Tele seminars.
Tailoring your copy means to use such an attractive language that your customers get inspired to make the transaction. It is skill of writing sales description. You should capture visitor’s information through squeeze pages which can help you to convert potential customers into client. You also need to follow up your customer with the help of social media sites and emails. Tele seminars can help to make your clients aware what you are selling and how it can help them which will boost the sales. Good luck! Have good turnover and enjoy the life.

Top 3 Ways to Grow Your Business

Business growth means the growth of stakeholder’s wealth. What represent the business growth? The business growth does not only mean big profits but it includes the expansion of product line, acquisition, market penetration and other factors. Before planning for your business growth model you have to analyze your market position, your strengths, your weaknesses, available opportunities and pertinent threats.
Business growth means capitalizing on your strengths along with competitors weaknesses to achieve the competitive advantage over your rivals. You can list down different factors on which you can expand your business; these factors can include production and cost efficiency, product distribution, logistic and inventory, raw material supply and other such options. Actually business expansion is to follow either forward integration or backward integration with market penetration and also market concentration. Forward integration can be done by taking control of distributors, developing own franchises or through direct selling. You can get backward integration by getting control of raw material.
Other than these above techniques the business can get growth through joint ventures, mergers and acquisition which ever seems better according to prevailing market conditions. The five stages of business growth can be defined as growth through creativity when an entrepreneur takes risk of developing a new business, the second stage is growth through direction, then growth through delegation which means empowering your employees with resources and outsourcing, growth through coordination and the last but not the least includes growth through collaboration. Good luck! May you get success in expanding your business.

How Do I Start Outsourcing?

Outsourcing means to delegate your work to another person. When you need to do outsourcing? If you are running a business then you must need to focus on your strengths. Outsourcing can become your strength, how? It can introduce you with the brilliance of the world in the form of professional workforce, can increase in your profits and you can derive short and long term advantages. Usually people outsource when they get a work that goes beyond their skills. How you should start outsourcing?
The basic question which I should consider first is why to outsource? Do I want to have competitive advantage by cutting down the cost or I want to get more profits. Then I need to analyze the work and assignment to be outsourced to identify the skills needed. The next step is to put a call for applications from interested candidates. Now I will compare the job description with the specialization and skills each candidate acquire. While scrutinizing I will seek for skilled professionals offering their services at lower cost.
After outsourcing what I need to do? Yes I have to check the performance regularly to avoid any mistake because prevention is better than inspection. Good luck! Have a nice professional team to execute the job.  

How To Build A Business Team

Developing a business team is as difficult as developing a new business. To run your business efficiently it is necessary to have a competent professional workforce. It is not wrong to say that proficient employees are the lifeblood of a business. How you should build a business team? Before building a business team you must be clear about some basic points which include your own expertise, work to be done, skill level required for each task, number of members you need in a team. It means that you should be clear about job description and job specification.
If you want to go quickly you should go alone and if you want to go far then go together. So you are ready to build a business team then follow this little guideline. At first define your team, then hire for values and talent, you have to share your expectations and vision, define upshot and assist your workers. The last is to analyze performance and reward for success.
Define your team means specifying job description and specifications then you have to hire according to the description and specification. After hiring you will share your long term planning and expectations with your business team and empower them. You have to define the results and facilitate the team during work. At last analyze each participant’s performance to reward for above average performance and look for bad thing in case of poor performance.

How To Build A Business Team

Developing a business team is as difficult as developing a new business. To run your business efficiently it is necessary to have a competent professional workforce. It is not wrong to say that proficient employees are the lifeblood of a business. How you should build a business team? Before building a business team you must be clear about some basic points which include your own expertise, work to be done, skill level required for each task, number of members you need in a team. It means that you should be clear about job description and job specification.
If you want to go quickly you should go alone and if you want to go far then go together. So you are ready to build a business team then follow this little guideline. At first define your team, then hire for values and talent, you have to share your expectations and vision, define upshot and assist your workers. The last is to analyze performance and reward for success.
Define your team means specifying job description and specifications then you have to hire according to the description and specification. After hiring you will share your long term planning and expectations with your business team and empower them. You have to define the results and facilitate the team during work. At last analyze each participant’s performance to reward for above average performance and look for bad thing in case of poor performance.

Top Seven Business Tips for Women Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurship is all about taking risk of developing new business, product or idea. It can also be said that entrepreneurship is all about doing thins in a new way or innovation. Entrepreneurship is not limited only for men or women but you can find many good men as well as women entrepreneurs. The top five women entrepreneurs include the famous names such as Mary Kay Ash, Jenna Jameson, Anita Roddick, Oprah Winfrey, Madame C.J.Walker and many more.
The success of an entrepreneur is not merely measured by money but the growth of the business is true reflector of success. It is not an easy thing to be a successful but some of the tips can make you a successful women entrepreneur. The first thing is to prioritize your commitments which mean that you should pay much attention towards your business commitments rather than other social activities. You should focus on your strengths and do not waste time on things on which you are not good at. It is the problem with most of the females that they put themselves third or fourth on priority list but you need to put yourself first and all other things will permeate. The next thing is to plan for your success; if you are lacking plans then you may not be able to cope with changing business environment. So make plans and implement them wisely. Take right decisions at right time and ask for help from your subordinates. Good luck! Develop a new entrepreneurial business and lead the world.  

Best Toning Shoes for Walking

Do you have a busy day schedule which does not allow you to join a gym or do other physical activities? Then the best choice available to tone your legs and buttocks is the toning shoe. Toning shoes help you to improve your walking posture, tone your buttocks and legs and help you to reduce stress on your hips, knee joints and heels while walking on even or uneven surfaces. A pair of toning shoes can give you a whole day workout for legs, knee joints, buttocks and heels.
If you have planned to get one pair of toning shoes then you can find the best shoes under brand names of Reebok Easy Tone Reenew, New Balance True Balance, Skechers Shape-up and New balance toning shoes. The skechers are designed for full day workout and can provide you all the above mentioned standard benefits including improvement of your body structure.
Reebok EasyTone is especially designed for women that can help them to better their legs and butt. MBT toning shoes has a broad product line including muscle harmonizing footwear for both genders. The well known products of MBT are closed designs, sandal strapped shoes, sport wear and suede leather. The true provider of best tuning shoes for women is the new balance true balance. You can find best toning shoes comfortably even with small budget. Good luck! Tone your muscles without disturbing your work routine.

Day of the Dead Skull Tattoos

Are you inspired from tattoos or you want a tattoo to be inked on you skin? You may find many different tattoo signs like bats, dragons, gravestones and skull but the best inspiring tattoos are the dead skull. Yes you may be fond and may also have deadly skull tattoo on your forearm but do you know the hidden story behind this tattoo design? This question has been asked because people follow trend but do not think in depth to know the basic underlying story.  
The day of dead is a Spanish tradition to remember and pray for the lost loved ones. They honor them with the help of different feasts and celebrations and it is the 2nd November following the Saints day on 1st of November. This event has also been observed in some other countries like Latin America, Mexico, Philippines and USA. The use of dead skull tattoos was started in the Aztec period to show the feelings for lost ones. Aztecs were in a habit to keep the skulls of enemies to demonstrate their victory. Preserving the factual skulls of dead people as memory was started with the influx of Spanish Conquistadors. After then the habit of getting dead skull tattoos got in practice with a concept to remember the deceased one with a permanent skull design. You can have infinite designs with different color schemes and arrangements. It is considered that brighter colored dead skull tattoos are considered good as compared to the dull ones. 

Greek Yogurt Health Benefits

Have you ever tasted food of Gods? Don’t be confused food of Gods mean combination of yogurt and honey as per primordial Indian culture. So you must be aware with the taste of food of Gods because it is an everyday food. But have you ever tasted Greek yogurt? You might not because it is not available widely.
What a Greek yogurt is and how it is different from customary yogurt? Greek yogurt is actually thicker as compared to traditional yogurt and is aboriginal to Greece. In early times was made with sheep milk, goat milk or the mixture but as now the companies have started to make it with cow’s milk to meet the commercial production demand. The milk is heated for a longer time to arid the water content. Then dry powder milk is added to make the milk thicker and is exposed to live bacteria clutter. After the yogurt is created it is passed through muslin cloth to confiscate milk plasma which is a by-product. Now the thicker, soft and downy Greek yogurt is ready to serve.
Greek yogurt has the same benefits as like traditional standard yogurt. It is rich in omega three fatty acids, protein, calcium, vitamin B and D. Due to straining you can say it having concentrated nutrients along with high proteins and low sugar. Enjoy the Greek yogurt taste by adding fruits, herbs and such other ingredients along with nutritious benefits.