Saturday, February 16, 2013


  • Benefits  
 Vanilla is considered as a comforting and relaxing agent that is very effective as anti depressant. Proper use also treats anxiety, aggression, anger and other elements with its sweet aroma. The vanilla oil if taken internally also works on correcting menstruation problems.

·         Instructions for Use

Vanilla essential oil is quite commonly used in pharmaceutical products, flavoring agent in food and as fragrance in making perfumes.

·         History and Additional Information

Vanilla is primarily native to Mexico and some parts of South America. It is not specially cultivated in Madagascar, India, Sri Lanka and some other countries. The component used in aromatherapy is a CO2 extract of vanilla which is considered as most expensive. It’s a perennial evergreen vine that contains dark green leaves, wide stem and white colored flowers. The fruit of the vine is called as pod from which dark colored vanilla beans are procured.

·        Details
Latin/Botanical Name:  Vanilla planifolia 
Other Names: Boubon vanilla, Madagascar vanilla, Mexican vanilla
Family: Orchidaceae
Part of Plant Used: Pod
Place of origin: South America, Mexico

·        Characteristics
Odor/Fragrance: It has a very sweet balsamic and rich aroma.
Color: Dark
Aroma Strength: Mild
Consistency: Liquid, Mobile
Note: Top
Blending Suggestions: vanilla oil blends well with many oils such as sandalwood, Peru balsam, coriander oil, cinnamon and vetiver
  • Safety Precautions for this Essential Oil

Vanilla is the safest essential oil that can be used for skin               application as well as ingestion. The extracts and other forms are found not to be having any toxicity. 

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