Saturday, February 23, 2013

Spikenard Essential Oil


Spikenard Essential Oil has a compound aroma which is said to keep away parasites, thus giving it the name fleabane. It was also used as a poultice to treat broken bones and also deep stain.  The effects of using it are basis, calming, and anti-fungal.
Other Spikenard Essential Oil benefits and uses include treatment of syphilis, rheumatism, cold symptoms, and difficulty in breathing. It is now typically used for treating conditions of the heart and the nervous system, as well as assisting with constipation etc. Its power to help circulation and boost blood flow means it can alleviate problems with hemorrhoids, and menstrual conditions.

Instructions for Use

Spikenard oil can be used undiluted. It can be applied to chakras points, inhaled directly, diffused or as a food supplement.

History and Additional Information

Essential oil has been around since very old times, it is mentioned in the Old evidence as being one of the ingredients in the incense burned at the holy temple of Jerusalem. The plant is fragrant with a pungent root.


Latin/Botanical Name:
Other Names: American spikenard, fleabane, wild sarsaparilla, petty morel, pigeon weed, spignet
Family: Valerian
Part of Plant Used: Root
Place of Origin: United States of America


Odor/Fragrance: Earthy, harsh woody, spicy.
Color: Yellow to green.
Aroma Strength: Strong.
Consistency: Medium.
Note: Base.
Blending Suggestions: Lavender, patchouli, pine, vetiver, spice oils.
Safety Precautions for this Essential Oil

This oil product is not better for women who are pregnant. People suffering from epilepsy are to use with tremendous caution and under medical supervision.

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