Saturday, June 16, 2012

Echuca- a thriving river inland port of Australia

Echuca is considered as small town located on the banks of Campaspe River and Murray River in Victoria Australia.  It is the largest as well as administrative center in Campaspe Shire. It has a population of about 12,358 according to the census done in 2006. The meaning of word Echuca refers to meeting of waters as two rivers meet there.
Industry and agriculture
Due to its strategic position, it is considered as thriving inland port of Australia. It is very useful because it is quite close to the metropolitan city of Melbourne and two rivers coming from different directions pass through the same area. Agriculture is very important for the people of this region. Other major industry is tourism which is contributing a lot in this field as obvious from the fact that it contributes in the regional economy about $250 million yearly. It is also considered as regional service economy.
Cultural activities
Popular festivals include Southern 80 waterski race, the Rotary steam Horse, Vintage rally, The Red Cross Murray Marathon and The Jazz Food and Wine festival. All these festivals are held on annual basis.
Echuca is well connected with the other cities through all the conventional methods of transportation like rail, road and air and also through water.

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